GRIMALDI & PARTNERS: Equity investments are to be preferred despite the turnaround in interest rates

By Silvano Grimaldi , CEO Grimaldi & Partners 

Zurich – At the moment, investor sentiment is in the basement. Is that justified? What is the real economic situation like? How should investors position themselves for the coming months? Silvano Grimaldi, CEO of the independent asset management company Grimaldi & Partners AG, gives you the answers to these questions.

Current State of Stock and Bond
Markets Typically, a mix of stocks, bonds and markets allows an investor to seek to reduce the risk taken without compromising the expected return from a portfolio. For this to succeed, stocks and bonds must be negatively correlated in the respective markets. Both stock and bond prices have fallen in recent months. In contrast to previous stock market crises, neither government nor corporate bonds with a high credit rating can currently assume the function of a safe haven.


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